Official name | Gana Prajatantri Bangladesh (People’s Republic of Bangladesh) |
Form of government | unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house (Parliament [3501]) |
Head of state | President: Zillur Rahman |
Head of government | Prime Minister: Sheikh Hasina Wazed |
Capital | Dhaka |
Official language | Bengali (Bangla) |
Official religion | Islam |
Monetary unit | Bangladesh taka (Tk) |
Population | (2011 est.) 142,875,000 |
Total area (sq mi) | 56,977 |
Total area (sq km) | 147,570 |
Urban-rural population | Urban: (2009) 27.6% Rural: (2009) 72.4% |
Life expectancy at birth | Male: (2010) 67.6 years Female: (2010) 71.3 years |
Literacy: percentage of population age 15 and over literate | Male: (2006) 58.5% Female: (2006) 48.8% |
GNI per capita (U.S.$) | (2009) 640 |
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